This Blog is for my ARM and linux work

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My struggle to make ISO dvd

past two hours I m struggling with the this point to create the DVD from the 3 install disk

everything is fine i m able to understand the last the far most thing is to mkisofs (cmd which makes the iso format )
as form my previous post you can get the script, but in the straight away it will work for you, I m not sure(still i have not installed anaconda-runtime, may be that is the reason)

in the script it looks for the boot catalog in isolinux dir, I am seeing the directory right now but now able to find, I think should be script flaw..

I study and made my own cmd on cmd prompt, but i dont know that it is not able to see the isolinux.bin (the boot image) ..

Edited the script, I have given the source, in previous post..
it is running dont know what will happen...
DAMN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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