This Blog is for my ARM and linux work

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My struggle to make ISO dvd

past two hours I m struggling with the this point to create the DVD from the 3 install disk

everything is fine i m able to understand the last the far most thing is to mkisofs (cmd which makes the iso format )
as form my previous post you can get the script, but in the straight away it will work for you, I m not sure(still i have not installed anaconda-runtime, may be that is the reason)

in the script it looks for the boot catalog in isolinux dir, I am seeing the directory right now but now able to find, I think should be script flaw..

I study and made my own cmd on cmd prompt, but i dont know that it is not able to see the isolinux.bin (the boot image) ..

AND the HELL..
not about write the DVD ISO from the linux..
came back on linux ..
and try to use my own mind generated way..
as I have studied 2nd and 3rd CD, there are having not much info, except that there are 2nd and 3rd CD and the pack of RPM...
I have downloaded the magicISO, which is able to make bootable CD/DVD even when we are able to pass the bott image from external side..
still there are 50-50 chances, but I have some hope, now either it will work or not, that will be decided after I m able to complete this process
still extracting the data from all the CDs..
Say me Good Luck... :)

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